It’s the big day! You’re getting married! Even with all of the excitement and love in the air, you are feeling nervous because you want to make sure your photos look great. Well, as photographers, we know exactly what to do in this situation. Keep reading for helpful tips on how you can have amazing wedding ceremony photos!

Unless you plan to have a mirror at the alter so you can check yourself out as you walk down the aisle, you may want to practice at home. Try to find your best angles and practice holding your head in a way that highlights your features.
Look Up
Sometimes stage fright comes when we aren’t even on the stage. You might be the kind of person who normally doesn’t like being the center of attention or your pre-wedding jitters may have turned into during-wedding jitters. Whatever the reason for your nervousness, remember to hold your head up. The photographer does not want to take a bunch of photos of the top of your head no matter how nice your hair looks.

Being stone-faced for the entirety of the ceremony doesn’t photograph well. Think about this. You are marrying the love of your life! You have every reason to be happy and smiling or laughing during the ceremony. While you’re up there feeling nervous, think of something funny or something that makes you happy.
Be yourself
Your wedding is a great place to just be yourself. After all, this is all about you and your significant other. Try not to be self-conscious and be true to yourself. You don’t have to try hard to be the epitome of grace and poise during the ceremony.

Forget about the camera
When we’re not used to being in front of the camera, it can make us focus more on how we appear and it’s presence than being in the moment. It may be difficult at first, but ignore it. Ignore the camera and put all of your attention on the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. This is your moment with them and you should enjoy being in it fully.
It might seem a little confusing to be both aware of the camera and to ignore it at the same time, but it’s really not too difficult. The right photographer will be able to get amazing ceremony photos, so focus on being in the moment and celebrating your love with family friends!